
jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Volunteers to live on Mars, no return trip

The meaning of all environmental, ecological and conservation is to defend life every heartbeat. Life is a privilege, but also a mission means that nature. Each species has a rationale or a role to play, a job to do. The gift of life that has a kind, not to be exterminates another. Planetary conditions were set for all live in perfect balance. Balance that humans are broke and now is the eve of losing paradise. The Eden was of Adam and Eve. The human race to survive now needs a plan B. The arks XXI century must be lifted to reach the new land.
The proposal to colonize another planet, has been the primary motivation of space agencies, the initiative, which from the scientific point of view needs to be accelerated due to the clear trend of overpopulation of our species and the depletion of resources. The issue has become a resume recently with the proposal for young scientists Schulze-Makuch and Paul Davies, University of Arizona; argue that the colonization of Mars might be quicker and cheaper if the astronauts began to behave like first conquistadors who arrived on American soil, without attempting to return home. "The main goal is to begin to move the exploration of Mars," they express these scientists, in the interest of accelerating the search for a new planet, in the face of potential catastrophe on Earth. The initial strategy (to make it happen over the next decade), is proposing to send two teams first people in different ships to open the camps and then begin to regularly receive more settlers with food. Thus, by not carrying extra fuel and provisions for returns, it would cut travel expenses by 80%. The planet Mars is the most promising to support a continued colonization, as in many respects is similar to Earth.
The success of the proposal of Davies and Schulze-Makuch depends on strictly comply with three phases: the careful choice of landing site, using all data from current and future missions to the Red Planet, the prior establishment of a non-inhabited but with the resources necessary to sustain human life and sending astronauts ready to make an old man alone round, without any hope of returning to Earth suggest that the selection of the first crew will be settlers who have passed their reproductive age and their life expectancies are below twenty years. Also, once they reach base, their work would not be very different from those made at the time the first conquerors of America, but with resources and more sophisticated tools. Enriching the field to make it suitable for cultivation, building shelters for future settlers and themselves, collect the materials needed to expand the colony and to develop its own biosphere, an environment capable of harnessing the resources of the planet for their own survival. The first astronauts also have received extensive training both physically and psychologically before on their mission, and maintain, once there, permanent contact with Earth through email, radio and video conferencing. Finally Schulze-Makuch Davies and maintain that in the era of communications, these early settlers are Martians "more connected to home early Antarctic explorers."
Under these assumptions, the NGO Blue Environmentalists has proposed a global initiative in the pursuit of these volunteers or new settler. In principle, to draw attention to various environmental problems afflicting the planet at present, and as a second order, inquire, to what extent volunteers are really willing to live in a space camp, the last stage of life.
Registration is open for applications until December 31, 2011. The lists of people to volunteer will be sent to the various space agencies are working on the proposal of interplanetary travel, all in the interest of supporting the advancement of these missions.
voluntariosparavivirenmarte@gmail.com is the email to apply.

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