
viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Wikileaks and the Cancun Summit

For an individual interested in environmental issues, the development of the Cancun Summit, poor coverage of their arguments or the near absence of the presidents of the world, should fill in uncertainty. Climate change along with poverty and drinking water are the main themes of this century. And this gathering of nations was seen as a major effort to come up with ideas or agreements for the benefit of human life and the rest of the world's species.

But what was it that from the beginning pointed political analysts and / or environmental, that this summit would contribute little to solve the great concern as is the issue of climate change? Wikileaks secret cables, we explain it because the Cancun summit is seen as an effort decreased.
To this date, a year ago, Denmark hosted the XV International Conference on Climate Change, also known as the Copenhagen Summit. After the meeting, followed, multiple bilateral reproaches and accusations, by the way the agreements were taken at the Summit. Apparently, most polluting nations callus surprise them, binding agreements that were proposed, which of course did not take the political cost and I pose, media attention to these governments for their non-commitment to the aggressive air pollution they produce themselves. That risk had been willing to run again, much less exposed to the figure of their presidents to take a decision on site.
Still, the environmental issue, this variable, pulled them out, the geopolitical approach unravelled, that until now have been handled in international diplomacy. We refer to the old post-Cold War paradigm, Kissingeriano model, which is how they still carry the power games between the developed nations.
Wikieaks leaks, discovered post documents Copenhagen Summit, to reaffirm what is already known. In the "high diplomacy" the environmental issue is not the priority (only good for the speech) and from the summit in Denmark, the power blocs condemned the failure of the Cancun Summit.
Developer, a paragraph one of the classified documents, where France expresses its position on what happened in the Copenhagen Summit. "... The ambassador in Paris, Charles H. Rivkin, meets with then French Minister of Sustainable Development, Jean-Louis Borloo, relevant figures for years in the climate negotiations. Borloo said that Europe is a mistake to insist on the concept of "legally binding", just the opposite of what he had said the commissioner one month earlier. The minister felt that Copenhagen had failed because the subject had been treated like "too Western and too European", focusing on countries which are willing to cede sovereignty as they did in Europe after the Second World War with the creation of the EU.
The minister considers it unthinkable that for large emerging economies and claims a group of eight countries to reach an agreement. Borloo suggests
"Germany, France, the United State of America, China, India, Brazil, Algeria, Ethiopia (and is South Africa possibility)." Leave out in the EU list and reveals a major European issues in Copenhagen: the struggle of egos. "

In conclusion: We need a new world order, under the premise that the environment is the subject of XXI century. That light, the birth of diplomacy green / blue. Future summits on environmental issues will be useful, if designed from a sub-continental or bilateral, between countries that share the same biome. Citizens concerned about environmental problems, the last thing they need is global summits. The action is in the micro.
There is much to do from the local, from the everyday.

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