
domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

2015: The year of the environmental

Even though 2010, 2011 and 2012 was the climax, the record years of the last decade in regard to natural disasters, and alerts us on future contingencies that will have to overcome or defend, to the responses given the nature so wrong it has received from the human race. It was also the year that has tended more active United Nations (UN), in environmental matters; three global conferences and summit, all on Climate Change. These natural contingencies such organizational efforts, we pave the way to say without any kind of mistakes, that 2015 is shaping up as the year of environmentalists, ecologists and conservationists.
Also looming as one of the highlights of environmental journalism, which will be robustly accompanied by hundreds of print and digital newspapers are engaged in the world, have important environmental issues or sections on environmental conservation. In addition, we must add, to the brave informative contributions being made by thousands of bloggers who each day are engaged and active solidarity of the growing television and radio media. Where a devastating phenomenon consolidated together to produce a tenacious media synergy, in favor of protecting the planet.
But what are those indicators that allow us to infer much star for the planet Earth by the year 2015?.
Club polluting countries feel the evidence discovered and fear.
Globalization through the internet. Tool created and polished by the same countries that poison the planet, which was aimed at designing an invisible network of communication for remote control or run organizations in real time strategies, also served to communicate and let us together. We put on alert and "accidents", such as filtration of classified documents placed Wikileaks free reading in cyberspace, enabled us to decipher, discover, the "Club of polluters modus operandi" . Today, we may well say "we all know here and we know what everyone's interests". And their interests (the polluters), are not the same, as the rest of humanity and all species life. Also, they can no longer hide that fear, because they know they are doing wrong. They are directly responsible for over 250 million people affected by annually natural disasters caused by climate change. Where his reckless lifestyle has triggered fierce fires in Russia, drought or massive flooding in Asia and Africa, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, Arctic melting and losing much of biodiversity in each of the continents. The output is, in our intelligence and creativity, to be the invincible arms to stop polluters and in consequence , nature destroyers. Those who do not share their unnatural conduct, have to be organize in order to act and looking for make changes in their conduct. So, as they have boycotted, embargoed or blocked nations to choke them financially as well, and with good reason, the rest of the increasingly informed people on this planet can., Why buy a product made by a nation that pollute the planet? That consuming a good if that nation kills whales?. Or not defend their forests?.
We are a large army of millions of tiny Lilliputians, compared with obese and unconscious about Gullivers. Where will our fine wire communication the solid and unbreakable trap nets, reduce and finally stop such environmental impunity.
We have everything in our favor. The 2015 is the year.

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