
lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Good poor and middle class

Poverty and food production are to environmentalists, a crucial point of attention, because it defines the behaviour of humanity for the coming decades and its impact on other species. Irrational poverty, without food production, it would be like a big insects clouds locusts on a corn crop.
When thinking about poverty and what it means in our continent, we can infer that the last thing you want the vast majority of American people is to be poor. However, good policies of governments 'solidarity', are directed towards the consolidation of poverty. Continue in the belief that the poor want to remain poor or good rather poor.
The political intelligence of those governments, it has not bothered to find out what the real expectations of those who today are defined as poor. It is based on assumptions, models or completely outdated worldviews. Reality "true" is that everyone wants to be middle class. And the globalization has taken care to show their different advantages. The same middle class has as its highest aspiration, to be a solid middle class. In this yearning to be rich is not what moves or moves wills.
Thus, we find a myriad of governmental strategies and efforts for social programs, educational missions, medical, home for love, money supply, social interest houses, among others. All under one north, poverty and strengthen loyalty in return. The political references, was to follow, but governments have struggled and controlled at will poverty.
Mandatory reflection: In Latin America, we became experts in making offers for the poor, encouraging them to be true believers in its historic condition, poor to be good and now began to discover that the offer is becoming less flattering. The former political capital begins to fade and it still does not think that the large group what they crave is to be middle class.
Ideological vision is still imposed and not to suggest that with the same dedication that has been studied to "the kings of poverty", can be reviewed, nations that have developed social and economic strategies to be middle class. Example many: In America, some countries without question, have worked to have a strong middle class. Its governance structure is designed to develop and maintain their middle class. And like, these governments provide opportunities, programs and missions to strengthen them. And it is precisely "the empire."
Surely the advocates of extreme poverty would say, that as there may be middle class if there are still poor, and that until they run out the poor, there is no prospect of a middle class. That is, the dialogue / twister that never ends.
Current strategies still points to keep poverty comfortable, that is, a portion of the poor every day is lower. Additionally be a generation of poor people who are not comfortable generational. The bulk of the expectations the average poverty is called, does not accept the condition of poverty and aims to be comfortably middle class.
In recent years, governments came to a head in solidarity of acceptance among the poor, but mysteriously began to drop such approval. In the innermost, moved a connector invisible emotional, driven by the poor means that aspire other outlets, opportunities than the current bid.
The middle class has to be understood as a global trend of civic organization, as are today, the growing protests or conflicts over environmental issues, which by the way, who spearheaded the same middle class. This has shown strength and consistency to the offenders of their space.
Marx at the time, gave grandeur to the middle class, said that thanks to her history took a leap forward, from the darkness and hit the hierarchy of blood to modern thought and universal, but do not bet on their survival. This kind, shy and discreet, survived the troubled twentieth century and today renewed to date, is the great social reference. If the middle class was able to skip the medieval backwardness, for now, which is the most important landmark, can not dethrone poverty as a lifestyle?
Why remain poor, if we have everything to be middle class?.
The output is one:
First: Do not rule out this hypothesis.
Second, or opens the debate in order to agree to work in parallel strategies aimed at developing middle class or we prepare to be moved by those who interpret the true aspiration if the "good poor".
Concepts to understand this article:

Poverty comfortable: when people who work outside their job or not defined, are extremely pleased with the things they get from the government. Generational poverty is not because their children feel they are within the average poverty, but temporarily.
Average poverty: Those who aspire to be middle class.
Middle class sector of the population, struggling to maintain their standard of living environment.

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