
jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Latin America: Sustainable Development and Responsible Growth?.

Latin America has a continental and subcontinental reality, quite different from the rest of the continent or subcontinent in the world. The essential difference is basically in the optics or perspective how is viewing the world, indigenous or regional interests, the fresh pot of races and ethnic groups living in them. In Latin America, we have one of the largest vegetable lungs, jungles and forests of the world as the largest amount of land that have not yet been exploited and large resources provided. That's why our environmental concerns are specific, and the solutions must be inclusive, a protection of all species that live and we live in this part of the planet. However, we live the urgency to address the uncontrolled progress of deforestation in the Amazon, human interventions that accelerate the droughts of our lakes and rivers, large islands in the land of waste in solid , air pollution from the dense carbon dioxide chokes our cities, among others. These environmental specifications, has forced us to rethink very specific strategies to address it.
Sustainable Development Proposal, promoted by the UN, expressed the concern that the imminent exhaustion at the time of natural resources, product consumption, consumption poses a more "balanced", in order to guarantee to future generations to enjoy of those resources, of the same being. Immediately, the speech "generational", was greeted with applause and hurrahs and copied almost immediately, in each of the constitutions of Latin American countries. He even organized Graduate Universities Central and South America to deepen as "appropriate considerations."
This approach is still so far, the backbone of environmental thinking and policies that have governed.
But what future generations will talk about that proposal?.
Future generations of Latin American or African?.
This thesis is to protect future generations, but the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of those who would be born in developed countries. But in nothing or very little care is contemplate of our native generation, Amerindian or African’s. They still believe that the expression of life revolves around only one species, which governs and directs the countries of "first world", a totally egocentric and exclusive approach.
Latin America requires a different approach, oriented towards responsible growth and wide variety. But to move in that direction, we must begin construction of a new discourse or debate on environmental issues, based on our own reality. Because until now, have been the opposite of getting right in the solutions of our environmental problems, because our logic for the analysis is supported in the conceptual structure of other environmental realities.
I will avail myself of a musical analogy, to fix the idea. Music until the middle of last century, could only be written, from binary or ternary rhythm (2 / 4, 4 / 4, 3 / 4) that are used in military marches or waltzes, among others. Given the impossibility of writing, under these same categories of Latin rhythms and / or African, were rethought and created composite rhythms (5 / 8, 6 / 8, 7 / 8, 10 / 8, 11 / 8 ... 17 / 8), which is nothing but the combination or sum of multiple ways of binary or ternary rhythm, and from that time could finally play our sounds in the world. The same is true when we analyze the environmental reality in Latin America from "Viennese martial rhythms."
In the interest of contributing to the construction of a Latin American environmental discourse and in order to develop the necessary analytical tools for the diagnosis and search for Ecosolutions (ecological solutions), left to the discretion of readers, these concepts as a contribution to the environmental glossary require.
Blue environmentalist: Technical name of the planet Earth colour seen from space.
Ecosolutions: Strategies to successfully address actions to protect species and the recovery of the operated areas.
Responsible growth: The ability of the Amerindians, Africans and Asians to meet their consumption needs, from a vision biogenerational (biological generation).
Biogenerational: It is the natural right to have all the species to prolong their future existence in the same conditions as those in the present.
Biogenerational Responsible Growth: The capacity of the Amerindians, Africans and Asians to meet their consumption needs without compromising the future of all species that interact in these communities. This concept was born in contrast to the view of Sustainable Development set up by the thinkers of the developed countries to express their need to control the current consumption in order to ensure future generations enjoy the same wealth and resources in this obtained from the territories of Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Iberoambientalists: Citizens of the Spanish-speaking world who defend natural rights, present and future of all species that inhabit the planet.
Latinoambientalists: Citizens of the Latin American subcontinent defending natural rights, present and future of all species that interact in your community or ecosystem.
Mexatmosfhere: The aggressive intervention of the air that has an urban American subcontinent. This concept is in honor of the City of Mexico, who by their geographical position trapped between mountain valley has a photochemical smog that affects 80% of the population, with ozone levels above 0.30 ppm with suspended particles of 10 microns.
Amazon desertification: desertification process unprecedented in the Amazon occurs as a result of predation, deforestation, biopiracy and burning.

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