
lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Ecoschools will be the advocates for the Planet

"We educate for critical and creative thinking,
to have a profession and a good standard of living,
but we forget to teach responsibility
and care of the common future of the Earth
and Humanity ".

Leonardo Boff, Brazilian philosopher.

In the last decades of the twentieth century a part of humanity, the more conscious, expressed concern about the current state and future of the environment. Today, looks hopeful, as all eyes are set on encouraging education as a whole, but specifically in schools, where strategic plans emerge to train citizens for this future. Education, which until now had remained a big elephant, extremely obese, with severe limitations for immediate changes, was forced to rethink shifts in relation to its traditional approach towards the environment.

The new century opened with proactive initiatives such as Ecoschools, representing the implementation of a management approach, values, habits and attitudes, where everyone involved in school management becomes directly responsible for the collective synergy to be produced in each of these spaces, for protecting the environment.

Education, which until now had remained a large elephant, extremely obese, with severe limitations for immediate change, was forced to rethink its direction in relation to traditional approaches towards the environment. The new century opened with proactive initiatives such as Ecoschool. That is the implementation of an administration focused on values, habits and attitudes, where everyone involved in school management becomes directly responsible for the collective synergy produced in each of these spaces to forward environmental protection.

Teachers, who anonymously, had been making silent and even quixotic, efforts towards improving the environment in their schools, would now become leading actors in this rethinking of the educational focus.

Ecoschool’s vision stands as a value based program that assumes and serves the vital and urgent commitment to participate actively in environmental conservation, through the implementation of ongoing actions, jointly between schools and communities. As well, its Mission, aims to develop with the school communities, activities generating the environmental attitudes, capacities and skills needed to improve environmental awareness and environmental education study centres. Articulating the collaboration and support of public and private sectors.

The vision of the Ecoschool initiative seeks to socialize the importance of knowledge of the environmental dimension implicit in all human activities and in everyday.
Promoting the active participation and leading role of educational communities, providing the tools and knowledge to keep the planet healthy for future generations. Fostering love, gratitude and respect for the environment, by adopting habits, attitudes and practices that generate environmental awareness and encourage individual commitment to engage in activities aimed at environmental conservation.

Since the Ecoschools, hope for a better world is no longer a utopia but is transformed into reality. Hence there will emerge advocates for the continuation of life on the planet.

By Lenin Cardozo and Edith Regier

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