
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

A Venezuelan is born: Biological Station Towns of Water

Today we are witnessing a rupture and displacement of the egocentric and elitist way to study or scientific research, of sciences as the biology, ecology, botany, among others, which were known through exquisite refereed publications and almost restricted access for the “unscientific.”

The public urgency even more growing to know what is going on around environmental matter, where only from an integrated perspective of all knowledge of both natural and social sciences, it is possible to find the understanding to achieve the corrective actions, is which has made possible the emergence of initiatives such as the creation in the West of Venezuela of the Biological Station Towns of Water .

The Biological Station Towns of Water, is anchored in one of the largest mangrove forest of Zulia region, in the historic town of Santa Rosa de Agua (Saint Rose of Water) of the Añú indigenous community, with houses on the lake or stilts, being this ancient lake architecture what inspired the conquerors to call this land Venezuela, by memories of the Italian city of Venice.

It is a joint initiative between the Center for Popular Education (CEP in spanish) and the Foundation Blue Environmentalists. Also, the Biological Station Towns of Water, will have a substation on the island of San Carlos (which borders another important mangrove forest) and a station in the Sierra de Perija, to be called ” Towns of Manatará” (towns the holy mountain, in the indigenous culture Bari / Yukpa).

This convergence of scientific, social and anthropological seeks to promote the conservation of marine biodiversity of forests, lakes and mountains, through training, scientific research, environmental education programs at the regional level, national and international, generators of the harmonious management of natural resources and community building socialization of leaders environmental advocates, to promote ethnic and gender participation. Still, this contribution aims to be a scientific reference, the study of marine biodiversity, lakeside of the basin of the Maracaibo lake and the flora and fauna of the Sierra de Perija, such as environmental integrator circuit of the region.

Among its noble objectives, the Biological Station Towns of Water arises to undertake research and support educational activities on biodiversity associated with the mangrove , conservation of marine species and lakeside in the region. Promoting the participation of environmental scientists, teachers and all those interested in exploring different areas of the natural sciences.

Also, to sponsor scientific collaboration and exchange among its members and other institutions engaged in similar studies in coastal lakes, marine and mountains. To disseminate the research results and achievements of members, organize conferences, courses, seminars, meetings, workshops and everything related to the topics investigated and improve and impact the environmental conditions and population centers adjacent to the Biological Station

The birth of the Biological Station Towns of Water, is an action of civility, is the expected and desired daughter the environmentalists needed in this region.

Welcome !

By Lenin Cardozo / Mariana Jaramillo

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