
miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022

Spain: Lithium energy storage for Andalusian rural populations


New lithium storage solutions for Andalusian rural populations

ZGR Corporación and the Cuerva regional electricity company signed an agreement to provide energy support to rural areas in Granada, Spain. This agreement entails installing a storage system based on lithium batteries in order to improve the electricity supply in the area. In this sense, new solutions in power electronics are going to be launched, both in the promotion of intelligent networks (smart grids), the use of clean technologies, as well as latest generation electrical equipment, such as rectifiers and intelligent chargers that guarantee a quality electricity supply in the face of regulatory changes and new energy consumption profiles.

The ultimate challenge is to provide existing electrical infrastructures with greater flexibility, avoiding investments in new electrical networks, so that they are capable of guaranteeing an electrical supply in the event of contingencies in the urban network.

Specifically, the Cuerva network operation team has chosen a transformation center (CT) in the town of Jayena for the installation of a battery. Its location, far from the substation, causes the network voltage to suffer variations throughout the day, which makes it a suitable scenario for the storage system to supply this variation, thanks to the injection of power, both active and reactivate and prevent the population from being able to perceive this lack in the network

The use of batteries, apart from complementing the mains voltage variations, has another very important function, which is to work “in island mode”. This term refers to the fact that, in the event that the network suffers a breakdown, this battery is capable of providing energy to the municipality for at least two hours autonomously, giving enough time to repair the network and restore supply. . In short, a storage system is cleaner, cheaper and more effective than the construction of traditional assets, such as new wiring. In addition to enabling the development of services and solutions with greater added value for network users.

“For a Distributor, network storage systems must be a fully integrated component ensuring safe and reliable operation of the distribution network. In this way we avoid the construction of electrical infrastructures with a greater environmental impact”, adds Juan Guerrero, director of Red de Cuerva Services.

Lubio Lenin Cardozo, engineer installation of photovoltaic systems

Source: Energy Magazine

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