
domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Before COP21, environmental damages in Venezuela reported to international press


VENEZUELA ALERT: Threat to the environment, Amerindian and global climate
In Paris, France, will be held the COP 21 from November 30 to December 11.
Therefore, the Dialogue Association from Venezuela -France, Blue Environmentalist Foundation and its researches worried about the Amazon and biodiversity, gave a press conference launching an alert about what is happening in Venezuela. They went to Mr. Laurent Fabius, Chancellor of the French Republic, President of the Cop21, and Ms. Ségolène Royal, Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, explained the situation in Venezuela and in particular of its 250,000 km2 of tropical forest in great danger.
There, via skype facing the international press, the President of the Blue Environmentalists Foundation, Lenin Cardozo and General Director Gustavo Carrasquel, who is also GEO6-UNEP Consultant, exposed and denounced from scientific field, oriented from education and environmental journalism, the environmental and ecological problems of Venezuela and the Essequibo territory and its vulnerability to climate change.
One of the reasons of global climate warming -and this really annoyed- from deforestation of the Amazon Basin, and one of its effects is drought.
In Venezuela, many reservoirs have very low water levels in many cities and water rationing is everyday practice.
With one of the largest reserves of heavy crude oil in the world, the country is opening up to the petrochemical, forestry and mining multinationals. Their activities are intensified to protected areas, disturbing the environmental chain, the cycle of winds and hurricanes, causing waterspouts over Lake Maracaibo, threatening public health and the ancient cultures of the populations in the Colombian-Venezuelan Guajira and the Bioregion Lake Maracaibo.
The massacres perpetrated against the Yanomami indians, the manifestations of the Pemon Amerindians in 2015 against mining companies in the Canaima National Park, the rupture of the pipeline in Rio Guarapiche in March 2012 and the oil pollution in Maracaibo, reported in the press worldwide develop symptoms of a real danger.
Alexandra Poleo, Dialogue by Venezuela France – Gustavo Carrasquel | ANCA 24 Translation Mariana Jaramillo

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